The Iron Lady’: The Crucial Role Of Margaret Thatcher

The first female prime-minister, Margaret Thatcher is the subject of the events depicted in “The Iron Lady”. Margaret Thatcher purchases milk at the grocery store as if she were a regular grandma in her town. When she returns home, she is greeted by the security and servants who take care of her concerns about leaving the house. They are her former prime minister. Margaret continues to have breakfast each morning with her husband. He died many years back so it is not a hallucination. She must get over her husband, get rid of all his possessions and she will have to try to do so while all her memories are coming back to her. Margaret is first informed by Oxford College about her acceptance. Her father owned a grocery shop and was also the mayor of the village. His conservative views that workers should work together to make Britain great were strongly influenced her. After graduating, she was drawn to politics and tried to run for the office of parliament. Dennis Thatcher proposes Margaret to him and tells her that Margaret will be able to get into the parliament through their marriage. She is elected, and she is the only female member of parliament. Britain is suffering a post-war economic decline. The economy is also crashing down as many workers strike for a better income. The blame is falling on the Conservative party and the trade union continues its fight against them. Marget thatcher, the former prime minister, decides she will run for the job and begins training. She wins the election and is elected first female prime minster. However, conflicts arise quickly. She decides to eliminate the trade union and ensure that only efficient jobs are available. Although she is met with resistance and loses her loyalty, after winning the war on Falkland islands against the Argentinean pirates, she gains respect and loves herself. Great Britain’s economy starts to prosper and businesses start making money. The decision to make all British citizens pay the same tax leads to violent protests. There was even an explosion in her hotel room. She decides to resign rather than run again, as the conservative party betrays her. After this, her hallucination vanishes and she returns to normal life.

Margaret Thatcher is the protagonist. It is a movie about Margaret Thatcher’s life and how it influenced the economic recovery of Great Britain and the end to the cold war. Margaret Thatcher is the main character and shows her relationships to other people. The men who are patronizing Margaret Thatcher are the antagonists. They oppose Margaret Thatcher’s views and believe she cannot be successful because she is a woman. Margaret, who is the secretary to the education department talks to the union about why the school can’t function. Margaret’s excessive screeching and lowering of voice are laughed at by the men. In protest of Margaret’s tax laws the men made posters and shouted at her to tell her to stay home and take care her children as a mom. While the movie is focused on Margaret Thatcher’s life as the first woman prime Minister, it is also about Margaret’s struggle to reconcile with her husband. When Margaret first started to become involved in politics, her husband was a great support and help. Margaret doesn’t want to leave her husband when he suddenly passes away so quickly. Margaret continues to believe that her husband is still around and she keeps having hallucinations. Margaret realizes she can no longer live like this old, paranoid woman. So she packs everything she has and tosses them. Margaret’s husband leaves Margaret at this point. Her past memories are filled with conflict about fighting prejudice against women in politics. She is determined to see a country change and wasn’t afraid to be different. Her bravery and courage are what make her so great.

Margaret, who is chosen to be the Prime Minister for Great Britain, is the first event that accurately depicts what actually happened. It was historic and surprising to see a woman lead a government during her time. Men dominated every position in the parliament.

It is accurate to portray Margaret Thatcher as she discussed the war against Argentina with the United States. She was a strong believer in herself and confident with her own opinions. She was a kind of tomboy, who never hesitated to speak up and did not fear being hated. She will be remembered for her generosity over time. The first of these two events is when she enters the House of Commons. It is obvious that she is not the only woman wearing blue amongst those in black suits. While this is probably exaggerated, Margaret was not alone in her experience. Margaret had to compete against the men who patronized and she wasn’t as popular as women today. Geoffrey Howe’s portrayal in the movie is incorrect. His role as foreign secretary to Margaret Thatcher was crucial. But he is portrayed as weak and inept in the movie.

The film was influenced by social factors. The parliament of Great Britain, despite having equal rights to men by law, was still dominated predominantly by men. Margaret Thatcher was initially viewed with suspicion because of her gender. Despite her hard work, her achievements and her respect, men still treat her poorly throughout the film. Second, the film’s political element plays a crucial role. The House of Commons is divided between the conservatives and the trade union over the issue of unemployment, as well as the drop in the economy. Margaret is determined to continue her conservative views, which were heavily influenced by her father. She will make sure that people work and contribute to the country, rather than striking, when she becomes prime minister.

Because the film helps viewers understand historical events, they can better comprehend the struggles Margaret Thatcher went through and the hard work she put in to defeat the oppressive men who wanted to make her country great. Her name was not known before the movie. People will learn more about Margaret’s achievements for Great Britain after watching the movie. Great Britain was in turmoil and there was a lot of unemployment. Margaret helped to improve it. She was a vital part of bringing back Great Britain and ending civil war with the Soviet Union.


  • oscarcunningham

    Oscar Cunningham is a 41-year-old educational blogger and professor. He has been writing about education for over 10 years, and is known for his expertise on online learning and digital media. Cunningham is also a frequent speaker on these topics, and has given talks at a range of universities around the world. In his spare time, he also enjoys playing the violin and running.

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